Thursday, 22 July 2010

A Symptom of the Credit Crunch or something more sinister?

I've had a really hard week at work - long hours, the dawning realisation that I may be out of a job in the near future courtesy of a change of policy by the current government and too little play in the craft room.

To cheer me up, my husband went down to the river and took some lovely pictures....

However, I discovered today that the honesty pot on my desk at work had been stolen. I have (had) a tin in which colleagues could leave payment for cards. I operated an honesty system - they put in a fair value for my cards. It's operated for over two years and has proved quite successful. It takes away my embarrassment of deciding asking for what I think they are worth and on the whole, I've done quite well. I used to empty the pot when I had a show coming up and use the funds to subsidise my craft stash.

However I have had (recently) defaced coins and foreign coins. I found out that I'm not alone in loosing out - a colleague had 90p taken from her desk, another had £4, another had her starbucks mug go missing!

I just can't get my head around how someone can believe that taking something that does not belong to you is acceptable. Jealousy? Greed? Thrill seeking?

My husband works in retail and I am always amazed at the diversion tricks and brazen attitude of shop lifters....

So what does the future hold for my honesty payment system? Well a very apologetic note is not where the pot once stood. It explains the situation and asks that I am paid directly from now on. I guess I will have to overcome my embarrassment and accept payment up front. It's a sad state of affairs and maybe it is a symptom of the credit crunch

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